Welcome To Klearny

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Welcome To Klearny

Welcome To Klearny Healthcare Klearny Healthcare comes as the fulfillment of the worldwide search for a more effective system of health, which is free from harmful side effects, is prevention oriented and capable of eliminating disease and its source. It gives a modern insight into ancient system. Klearny Healthcare describes health as perfect balance of the three Doshas and imbalance as basic cause of all diseases. Klearny Healthcare eliminates imbalance from the most fundamental level of life, pure consciousness and re-establishes the natural interconnections of consciousness and physiology, behavior and environment. Health in this context is defined as perfect balance and wholeness of life.

Klearny Healthcare makes an important contribution to modern health care that it treats disease at its source rather than merely pacifying symptoms. The basis lies in prevention and in strengthening the body’s own inner intelligence to maintain perfect health.

We offer both wellness and curative programs. Klearny Healthcare programs are designed to help you to relax, rejuvenate as a whole and to improve the quality of life. The curative treatments are aimed at addressing various ailments. Our herbal medicines, physical massages and various other forms of therapies offer excellent remedies for many illnesses. We equip you with the knowledge and techniques necessary to apply your energies in the most effective, efficient, and meaningful ways possible.